Working remotely, employers are afraid of losing control: it seems that the whole team will underwork and developers will abandon their projects altogether. In this case, appears too much control: webcams, screenshots, etc. Of course, it`s worth keeping reports to calculate the cost of projects and understand when team gets stuck for some reason, but not for total control. If someone in the company is truly underworking, you will notice it anyway, so you shouldn`t be afraid to give people freedom. According to statistic, remote workers, each day work much more than necessary, as they are not limited by the schedule, as people in the office.
Myth 2: remote workers are fickle and they aren`t available when you need them
You should just introduce a simple rule: for example, from 10:00 to 17:00 you need to be in touch in the corporate chat. It`s not necessary to deal with work tasks at this time, the main thing is to respond to messages within 10-15 minutes. This way you can make communication predictable - most of the discussions take place during these seven hours. If someone need to go offline, the employee warns others in the general chat channel.
Of course, there`s always a risk, that a person may not get in touch, but nothing prevents an office worker from not coming to work one day. To be confident in your team, all agreements need to be formalized and communication well-organized.
Myth 3: remote work complicates communication
It’s really become a little bit more difficult to communicate, but communication doesn’t become more complicated. Working remotely, you just have to use special tools. In the world of modern technology this isn`t a problem at all. You just need to properly establish communication through chats and other communication platforms and there will be no problems with team communication.
Myth 4: It`s impossible to create a company culture with remote employees
Without a possibility of a joint lunch, motivational posters around the office and even a dress code, it`s still possible to build a powerful company culture in which remote specialists work. Moreover, it's even necessary. If you define what should be at the center of the culture- you will create a common baseline, due to it employees will make their decisions. There are different ways to create and broadcast company culture with remote employees, the main thing is to have clearly formed main values for the whole company.
Every year more and more people start working remotely and more and more companies understand that it`s more profitable to use outstaff, than to hire an employee. However, there are still those who are afraid to use outstaff and suffer from it. For example, in Switzerland more than 90% of employees are in-house and this greatly complicates the selection of personnel, because about 11,000 vacancies in the IT field are published per month and only 1000 are closed.